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Early French Immersion

Our Early French Immersion program starts in kindergarten (or grade 1 in some cases) and is available at École des Deux Mondes and École Willow Point. 

Registration begins the first week of February for the next school year. Parents can indicate which school they prefer, but placement depends on space and staff availability. Siblings already in attendance and residential addresses are considered when making school assignments. Parents will be told by the first week of April which school their child will attend. 

After grade 5, Early French Immersion students continue the program at École Phoenix Middle School for grades 6-8, followed by Carihi Secondary School for grades 9-12.

The French Immersion curriculum is similar to the English program. Students will develop the same skills and knowledge in both.

Students who complete French Immersion through grade 12 will graduate with a Diplôme de fin d’études secondaire en Colombie-Britannique, also known as a Double Dogwood.

Here's how French and English instruction is divided for Early French Immersion students:

GradePercentage of French InstructionPercentage of English Instruction
390%10% (English early literacy skills are introduced)
876% (19 of 25 blocks)24% (6 of 25 blocks)
950% (4 of 8 courses: French Immersion Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math)50% (4 of 8 courses)
1037.5% (3 of 8 courses: French Immersion Language Arts, Social Studies, Science)62.5% (5 of 8 courses)
1120% (2 of 8 courses: French Immersion Language Arts, History of the World)80% (6 of 8 courses)
1212.5% (1 of 8 courses: French Immersion Language Arts)87.5% (7 of 8 courses)

Parents considering registering their child for early French Immersion kindergarten for September 2025 are invited to an information session on January 27 at 5:00 p.m. at the school board office at 425 Pinecrest Road.

For more information or to register, contact the school office at either École des Deux Mondes or École Willow Point.

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